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The current cost of living crisis is putting intense pressure on the pockets of individuals across the UK.
As of February 2024, 46% of adults admitted that their living costs had risen within the space of a month alone, with the soaring prices of food shopping and utility bills being some of the most common reasons for their increased expenses.

Businesses are facing financial challenges, too. In fact, almost three quarters (72%) of business owners across the country are concerned that the existing situation will have – in the near future – some sort of impact on the wellbeing of their company.
Given the volatile climate, expanding your organisation might seem utopic right now. But if you are looking to grow your business or simply benefit from handy storage, hiring containers could be a valuable solution.
If you need more space to store your items and equipment, 10ft, 20ft, or 40ft containers can help you do just that.
Of course, the current economic situation is having an impact on businesses’ bank accounts, and the thought of spending money can cause a few financial headaches. But the good thing is that you aren’t required to buy containers outright.
Hiring shipping containers for your operational needs will allow you to save precious cash while giving you the flexibility to make the most of your containers for however long you require them.
Andrew Thompson, Chief Executive Officer at Cleveland

Advantages of hiring shipping containers
At times like this, businesses need to keep a close eye on finances while also being aware of their capital commitments for the next financial year.
Why should you refrain from developing your organisation when you can do so in a more budget-friendly fashion? Hiring containers – rather than purchasing them from the off – can give you the opportunity to nurture and invest in your business without breaking the bank.
Capital protection
An immediate benefit of hiring a storage container is that it will cost you less than buying one outright.
This means that if you’re on a tight budget or don’t feel comfortable making a more cost-effective investment just yet, renting a container unit will allow you to continue your plans at an affordable price.
So, if you’re experiencing budget constraints but need extra space to suit your business needs, hiring is a good way forward to keep costs at a reasonable rate while still maximising your company’s potential.
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Expand in a risk-free manner
Again, if you have spotted an opportunity to expand and take your enterprise to the next level, hiring containers will facilitate this in a sensible, risk-free way.
In the current cost of living crisis, not all business owners are ready to splash out large sums of cash without being certain that their investment will be beneficial in the long run. But by renting one or more units instead, you can roll out your action plan without taking the plunge and committing to significant investments.
If things don’t quite work out as planned, or you find yourself opting for an alternative route, you can always send the containers back.

Opportunity to flex up and down with trends
Businesses need to stay up to date with the latest trends to remain at the forefront of an increasingly competitive market. Renting containers can help organisations adapt to changes and social trends, as they can be used when and where required.
For example, hiring options can favour scalability, eliminating the need for permanent storage or space and allowing the return of containers when demand decreases or specific trends begin to fade.
Also, the benefit of hiring containers is that you can switch to different types and sizes based on your current requirements. This is a privilege that purchasing a shipping container from the offset doesn’t bring.

Hiring containers as a sustainable endeavour
In addition to being a more cost-effective solution, hiring containers is a smart choice for businesses with a particular interest in sustainability.
In the UK, 99% of organisations provide some sort of sustainability report at the end of each year, demonstrating that eco-friendly practices are an increasing priority for companies across the country.
Strategic container rentals can optimise a business's supply chain. By storing inventory on-site, businesses can reduce delivery frequency, which lowers their carbon footprint and improves efficiency. This not only benefits the environment but also translates to faster customer service and potentially increased profitability.
Shipping containers are designed to be stackable, allowing for efficient space utilisation on tracks and reducing the need for several deliveries even when ordering in bulk. So, fewer trips to transport your containers equates to fewer emissions and less fuel consumption.
It’s also worth remembering that using rental containers gives you the chance to repurpose existing units. As opposed to building bricks and mortar units for extension and storage space, installing rental storage containers acts as a quicker process that also reduces the need for new resource extraction.
By hiring a container, you can truly make the most of its lifespan and durability. In fact, a cargo unit for rent is more likely to remain functional for extended periods of time, guaranteeing efficiency and utilisation on a constant basis.

In a climate of financial uncertainty, it is normal for businesses to be wary of important investments.
But if you want to set up your own transportable activity, expand your current premises, or add precious storage room, hiring shipping containers – rather than purchasing them outright – will put you on the right track while keeping your expenses in check.
Interested in hiring a container...
Talk to us about your container project today.
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