David Exley, Managing Director of Ledgard Jepson, joins us in Chatterbox episode 16 - Logo to Legacy: How Branding Shapes Self Storage Success. Here he deep dives into the significance of branding, across all sectors, not just self storage. 

Their journey with us started in 2015 when they developed our website, and in 2019 the creative team rebranded our business, and under the watchful eye of David, they continue to work on our brand today.

David shares valuable insights on what truly defines a brand. Expanding on the cliche term, a brand is more than just a logo, he explains that the best way to picture your brand is to view it as an iceberg. The visible part of the iceberg, such as your logo, business cards and other visuals only amount to a small portion of what a brand truly is. The real substance of a brand lies underneath the surface, relating too: audience perception, customer service, product, quality, etc. 

The visual aspect is still important because it’s what attracts people to your business. However, encountering poor customer service and rude behaviour can immediately damage your business's reputation. In today's social media-driven world, individuals often turn to platforms to share their opinions about a business. As a result, one negative interaction could affect people’s opinions about your brand. 

Other topics we discuss: 

  • Brand perception 
  • How to brand a self storage company 
  • How to rebrand a company 
  • The importance of customers 

Here are the links to view or listen to episode 16 on the following platforms: 





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